Opportunities for Dairies.

Dairies and Deliveries are our spiritual home!

The British dairy and delivery round is the why of our inception way back in 1993!


We knew we could provide a product that your customers would love, that would keep their milk fresher, more sanitary, and off the worktop! Milk Bottle Tops was born!


Since the 90's we've produced and shipped over 3 million of these simple plastic solutions, and because they are made of LDPE plastic, they have always been recyclable (unlike silicone which isn't easily recylable and take 500 years to degrade!).


We produce and pack in the UK, so you can have a sustainable and recyclable product that your customers will love, with a low low carbon footprint that the environment loves. 


Contact us to discuss partnership opportunities - Milk Bottle Tops can be branded in your colours and with your name on the lid!


We already supply to dairies and milk rounds across the country, we'd love to speak with you!



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